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About Meeg

Meeg smiling holding a book in a bookstore
A woman on a laptop with a Yorkie sitting at her feet
A photo of homemade books in a child's handwriting.
A girl in front of a lit menorah
Meeg, her husband, and two young kids in Yosemite


Hello & Welcome!


I’m Meeg Pincus (she/her). Kidlit nonfiction author. Humane educator. Book editor. Library lover. Diverse kidlit advocate. The happily book nerdy list goes on.


I have a lifelong passion for nonfiction books. Reading them, writing them, editing them. I’ve been writing & editing nonfiction in some form or another for over 25 years—and I still love it.


I’m also passionate about education & making our world a kinder, healthier, more inclusive & affirming place. This led me to the field of humane education: teaching people to be “solutionaries”—problem-solvers who help people, animals & the planet.


Nowadays I write & share “Solutionary Stories” for elementary-age children—nonfiction & informational books that inspire kids to make a difference. 


Career Stuff 


I'm a former newspaper journalist & scholar-in-training (four years of graduate school in cultural studies/communication—focusing on race/class/gender—at UW-Madison & UC-San Diego, and an undergrad degree in public affairs from American U.). So I have a background in, and love for, research that means I dive deep & attempt to be incredibly accurate in every topic I write about.


Active in SCBWI (San Diego chapter) for seven years, I'm now honored to be a conference faculty member and presenter for SCBWI chapters. (See my workshop topics here.) I also love to teach workshops on nonfiction kidlit for The Writing Barn. 


I have a great agent, Jenna Pocius of Red Fox Literary.


Family, Life & More


I've loved to read & write as long as I remember. My parents were college professors and I used their little "blue book" exam notebooks to make books & books & books. (See photo on this page of some of my early books; the top one says "Megan (my full name, long "e") loves books. She can hardly stop making them.") The only fan letter I ever wrote was to children's book author & illustrator Richard Scarry (and he wrote me back! from Switzerland! and I still have the letter!).  


I'm grateful to have a diverse, inclusive family (we are a mix of religions, races, sexual orientations, gender identities & disabilities), so I've always incorporated diversity of many kinds into my writing and work. For me, part of being a solutionary is focusing on compassion for all beings and amplifying voices that don't often get centered.


Along with being a writer/editor/humane educator, I'm also lots of other things, such as...


  • A homeschooling mom of two kind, curious children. (Them being kind is what I'm most proud of—though curious is a close second. And, yes, we've been homeschoolers since before the pandemic, which means our homeschooling has actually included a lot of live activities & socializing!)

  • An artist. (I spend my free time doing artsy things like creating clay figure sculptures, painting furniture, decoupaging journals, and singing in a 9-woman acoustic group.)

  • A book hoarder. (I have a bookshelf in every room of my house. I always have a stack of about six books I'm reading. And at least ten on hold at my beloved library!) 

  • A plant-powered chef. (Well, not really a chef—but I do feed my family all plant-powered foods. And I make a mean vegan brownie & choco-berry green smoothie! Can you tell I also love chocolate?)

  • An animal mama. (My daughter talked me into adopting parakeets and I fell in love with them. Then we adopted a 5-year-old Yorkie, who's now my favorite snuggly writing buddy!)

  • A perennial student. (I love learning! I'm always taking writing classes. I completed two humane education training programs, and even a science-heavy Plant-Based Nutrition program through Cornell University.)

  • A Broadway musical buff. (My whole family can bust out lyrics from Hamilton, In the HeightsWicked, Newsies or Into The Woods—just ask us. Really...ask us!)

  • A partner/wife to an award-winning, math-rappin' teacher. (He trains teachers around the country, he writes books, too, and he raps & teaches about the times tables here.)

  • A Southern Californian. (I love playing with my family at our local beach, and scanning the waves for dolphins and sea lions. I squeal every single time I spot one. Every. single. time.)


Meeg's Solutionary Stories Newsletter


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© 2018-2022 by Meeg Pincus.

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