Some great stuff to share about current & new titles.

Although I don't think any of us can say 2020 or 2021 have been the best years ever (I certainly can't!), there have been some lovely bright spots when it comes to my children's books. I'd love to share with you the news & updates.
Here are the highlights:
Winged Wonders Wins Awards!
New Books in 2021!
And here are the details:
Big Honors! Winged Wonders
It's wonderful to see people enjoying and really "getting" what we were trying to do with my 2020 title, WINGED WONDERS: Solving the Monarch Migration Mystery—and awarding it honors!
Here's a taste of some of the lovely accolades Winged Wonders has received:
A Golden Kite Honor Award!!
A Eureka! Nonfiction Honor Award!
A Kirkus Best Picture Books of 2020 Pick
A Top-4 Finalist for the AAAS/Subaru Science Picture Book Award
A Top-7 Finalist for the Cybils Elementary Nonfiction Award
New Book! Cougar Crossing
Just released in February from Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane Books, COUGAR CROSSING: How Hollywood's Celebrity Cougar Helped Build a Bridge for City Wildlife, came out of the gates as a Junior Library Guild Selection and a Literati Book Club Selection.
It's been a quiet launch for our quiet cougar story but stay tuned for a super-cool, free, virtual book event this spring. The response I received when reading it to kids for World Read Aloud Day (and hearing from teachers reading it to their students) shows that this story touches young hearts and excites curious minds!
New Book! Ocean Soup
Out March 15 from Sleeping Bear Press, OCEAN SOUP: A Recipe for You, Me, and a Cleaner Sea, has received some lovely reviews already, like this one from Publishers Weekly!
We've got a special book trailer for this one (made by a special teenager in my house!). And here's a blog giveaway to win a free copy! It's a rhyming, educational poem—perfect to read aloud!
New Books! Itty-Bitty Bios
I got to write nine more titles in the Itty-Bitty Bios early reader series from Cherry Lake Publishing, all of which just released in January. Great changemakers!
Adding to eight other titles I've written for the series, I love having these books to offer new readers, so they can learn to read while learning about fascinating, inspiring people. (I call them solutionaries!)
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I so deeply appreciate you connecting with, supporting & sharing my books in these ways:
Order (signed) copies of any of my books from Run for Cover Bookstore, my favorite indie bookstore! Or order copies from or any bookstore.
Ask your local library to purchase my books if they don't have copies.
Contact me for a free signed bookplate for any of my unsigned books you've bought.
Teach with my books in your classroom and/or book me for a low-cost virtual visit to connect with your students live in real-time.
And please, please post reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or GoodReads (it helps so, so much!).
Thank you!!
I can't thank you enough for supporting, sharing, and reviewing my books—it means the world. Be well, everyone!